Toilet Paper: Under or Over Etiquette (Get It Right!)

Toilet Paper: Under or Over Etiquette (Get It Right!)

So for those of you who follow our TikTok account and joined yesterdays debate - we are now putting it to everyone.. 

Under or Over?

Let’s get one thing clear. I understand that reaching for the toilet paper and realising it’s on the wrong way is trivial compared to natural disasters, and war. I have perspective.

But I also know that it’s the simple things in life that tend to annoy us most and many people overlook the finer details of life.

Laziness seems to be at it’s worst when the fresh roll is left on the sink for days while the old, empty roll remains on the holder. I’ve counted the days a toilet paper roll has sat on the sink without it being placed in the holder (after a few days I was fed up and did it myself).

Putting a roll on its holder doesn’t solve the problem. If it’s in the in the wrong position it might as well be off the roller. A wrongly hung roll can lead to confusion.

  • Does this person not know how a toilet roll goes on its holder? Should I inform them?
  • Did they do this to mess with me?
  • Was this a simple detail they overlooked?

Is There Really An Argument: 

I regret having to write this section of the article. There has never been an argument for “how to put on the toilet paper” and there never will be.

Those who argued that it rolled underneath are just poking a sleeping tiger. They can’t possibly state that they’ve never had the phantom toilet paper roll down the backside of the roller – it’s happened to us all...

Then there is the mechanics of tearing toilet paper. This is routinely done one-handed. Incorrectly positioned toilet paper, that rolls to the back of the holder, is in a precarious position for tearing as it can get caught up on the roll. It often leads to a pull rather than a tear and leaves with you tissue that needs to be rerolled.


Why Your Line Of Sight Matters With Toilet Paper Positioning

Line-of-sight matters when dealing with toilet paper, especially if you’re using one hand. It’s not uncommon to see the end of the toilet paper stick to its roll. This can be confusing because we can’t tell where the end of the roll is. As a result, we furiously spin the roll and wait for the TP to unstick.

If you’re spinning the roll backward, you won’t see the toilet paper until it’s already crept down the back of the wall. By this time you’ll have to re-roll or use an unnecessary amount of toilet paper (which could clog your toilet – your problems are multiplied).

Homeowners usually hang toilet paper holders at a 55-65 degree angle from our line-of-sight (this depends on the height of the person, the height of the toilet, and the position of the holder on the wall).

There is a strong science to the toilet roll discussion.

Living With Someone Who Doesn’t Care About The Position of Toilet Paper

Who knew such a small thing could lead to relationship issues? It’s even been known to cause breakups! If you’re living with someone who doesn’t understand the finer details in life, they are likely to resist your polite reminders to hang the TP correctly.

Anyway... you rock - we rock - Bath Bombs Rock come treat yourself.

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